A Guide To A Woman’s Life During Periods
If you thought this post is the Chapter 9/10 of class 10 to explain a woman's menstrual cycle, you weren't wrong. Yet, you weren't right either.
I just wanted to rant about things we go through during those 5 AWESOME days of our lives - EVERY MONTH. Because you know, wearing a diaper for 5 days straight is so much fun already! Then there are other things to increase the fun like - Cramps! A Party in our body!
But that's not all!!
You definitely must've heard about PMS. PMS is called Pre/Post Menstrual Syndrome and almost every woman has PMS and those who don't, are Goddesses! PMS happens a few days before Periods, during periods and of course, after the end too! This differs in every woman depending on her hormones and will power!
I mean Mood Swings are like TV Channels , we switch them in a blink of an eye. But we control them. Because We Are Women. We control the hell world and all so, ya!
You must've seen Superwoman a.k.a. Lilly Singh's video on Periods. If you haven't ,you should, its super fun! But finish reading this first. I will put a link in the end for that.
Now these were the things we go through biologically! Now, there's a lot more than this.
If my Periods sync with another girl's, supposedly any of my girlfriend, then we are tend to be bffs. Hell we're having periods at the same time. Our cycle is on track together. We are bffs.
This happens rarely though! But when it does! It calls for a period party!!!!!!
There's No Party. We just ENJOY that phase together.
We share period memes and laugh and cry at them because HALF OF EARTH’S POPULATION goes through it every month!!!!
NOTE- Ladies, if you're having cramps that are unbearable, you should know that you need to eat more during those days and the rest, because your body needs more energy. If you don't eat properly, your cramps will be worse. So eat, repeat and then bleed!
Now after all this, women also have to THINK alot about periods. Planning a vacation? PERIOD MATH. Planning to make an appointment with a beauty salon? PERIOD MATH. Because the best time for waxing is AFTER the periods are over. Right before periods and during is the worst time to be going for waxing, because your skin is most vulnerable and sensitive during that phase. So ladies, avoid painful beauty treatments BEFORE periods.
Now I am sure men aren't reading this, because it's not for them! But may be some men are reading this. If they are, please share this with your guy friends, for them to understand that women ARE NOT PMSing all the time. When they're pissed, you should consider the facts of doing something wrong. And when they're PMSing ,just try not to piss her off and take good care of her. That's what makes you a MAN.
Now the time has changed and I have seen Men being considerate of women's needs! So Thankyou to those men. (This was covering up for the ranting before).
Now, this stressful lifestyle with poor eating habits effects our health that can cause in irregular or delayed or early periods too! So kindly don't give each other stress. And live a healthy, HAPPY Period Life!!!!
We sometimes also struggle with utilities! When we don't have a sanitary napkin and we have to ask every girl (by taking her in the corner), "Hey, do you have a pad or extra pad?" If the answer is "No", We continue the hunt, if it's a "Yes", that Woman is an angel !!!
We will never forget about it!
Then, there's shopping in stores. If the shop keeper is a guy, a little hesitant question comes out, "Bhaiya.... Etc. Etc. "... If it's a woman, "Hey YAR Ye..etc. etc." So confident like we own her shop!!
But now because of feminism and women empowerment, we are always confident in buying our utilities! Hell we openly carry the packs! Because it's NORMAL.
Superwoman’s Video Link-
My Website- https://www.planettarunified.com/?m=1
Personal Growth UN Women Woman’s Day The Womanity Foundation period drama. Hello, I’m Menstruating. Menstrual Matters Menstrual Health Hub My Menstrual Journey Medium