I don’t write on Quora regularly, I accept that! But some questions are so relatable that I can’t skip them!! A question I came across the other day was about misery & happiness!! It felt like yesterday, when I asked myself the same question! I had to answer it!
This was the question:
“Is misery more comfortable than happiness?”
This was my answer:
“I can closely understand this question and its consequences. But before I answer, I want you to read something I wrote regarding this:
I wrote this at a point in my life when I asked myself the same question that you have asked today! Is misery more comfortable than happiness? Why do we always go back to the pain? Why do we PUSH ourselves to feel the misery? Whenever I feel like this, I only think one thing- EVERYTHING IS TEMPORARY.
The misery is temporary , so is happiness. In the moment of misery, we get sunk into it so badly that there seem no hope for happiness ever again! But we do feel happy again, may be the next day or two days later, but we do! In that moment, we forget that we were feeling so hurt & miserable a few hours ago! We enjoy that happy moment & go with the flow. Until the next breakdown! The cycle goes on because everything is temporary.
Misery can be addictive, like I have written above! Once it touches your soul, you can’t go back but at least you’re free! But, NO. Misery isn’t more comfortable than happiness!! How can it be? It’s MISERY! It is painful & hurtful. It makes us feel lonely, hopeless & suffocating. Can any of these feelings ever make us feel comfortable? NO. But comfort is not in the misery, nor it’s in the happiness, both are temporary.
Comfort is in ACCEPTANCE.”
After answering this question, I felt like I know the person who had asked the question! It was like answering to myself from a year ago! I realised I wasn’t alone in feeling that pain can be addictive !! That sure made me comfortable!
Thanks for reading. Namaste.